Monday, June 22, 2009

It rained, so what...

6:30a.m., the sun is coming out -- YIPPPY!!!! 6:45a.m., it starts to rain, I start to cry. 7:01 a.m. the phone rings, I stop crying and pick up the phone -- Hello??? ...we can't come its raining, I am not coming I don't want to sit their with nothing to do...I may come the fund raiser going rain or shine? Sigh,

Our second annual music and art went off with a, "but yesterday it was BEAUTIFUL!" Oh well the wolves are always here, and so are we. Let me tell you, we had some troopers. I big THANK YOU to the 238 plus folks who came out in the uncertain weather. Every one of us, wolves and staff alike thank you all for your support.

It rained, it shined, from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00p.m. and we had fun.

A hardy thanks goes out to --

our musicians:

Boys from Innisfree, Eric Keepers, J.C. Fetlock

our Artists:(who greeted our guests with smiles)

Marlin Mann, Murals and fine art

Susan Afflerbach, Wildlife Painter

Chris Bryan of The North Star

Richard and Dee Tompkins, Scroll saw and wood work

Marlin Mann, Murals and fine art

Jeff Whimoyer, Nature and Abstract fine art and wildlife photographer

Katelin Smith, Artist - pen and ink or graphite

our Foodies:

The Chicken Man
My Amazing Chef - Bill Shuler
Rachel King, home made yummies!!!!!

Okay, I was at the gate for the most part and did not think this year to have my camera floating about -- sooooo -- if anyone happened to get pics of the event -- PLEASE send them to me and I will post them. You can send them too

See you next year under the big top, ya that's right, I figure if we get a tent it will not rain. NO, the wolves will not be under the won't be that big. :-)