Wow, can you believe it is November already. Time moves on way to fast for me. The new enclosure for Liberty, Sky, Jasper and hopefully Rogue is up. If weather will cooperate we will get the dig fence done and covered, put in a little house for them and release them into their new home.As I type Brian is up there completing the installation of the did fence. Darin needs tracks for his skid loader so he can move around without sliding down the hill. Always something, isn't it? :)
Thank you to Darin, Matt (new volunteer!), and Brian for working so hard to get that done. Thank you to everyone of our gracious and caring members and donors for the funds to make this possible in such a short time.
Without your donations and visits to the sanctuary this would NOT be possible. Well I gotta go, my guests should be here soon to eat breakfast at the Speedwell Forge B&B. Then we have a tour at 10am today and I am running register.
I will get back to you soon with an update. Howl for now! D