Wednesday, December 1, 2010

November 27th

What a great turn out today for the Wolf tour! Every time we thought there couldn’t possibly be another car, sure enough there was! A lot of new visitors seem to find us every week, many from right near by Cornwall, Lititz and Lancaster and then from further away New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland…. Seems wolf fans are finding us from all over! We have visitors stopping by to do their holiday shopping: T-shirts, tote bags and wolf prints are among their favorites, well, along with the wolf adoption. That’s always a highlight! You go on the tour, choose your favorite wolf, then adopt them and receive a picture, information about your wolf and a certificate. Many visitors are giving the adoptions as a Christmas present…. I love to watch the children when they come back from the tour and they are so excited to share their knowledge about their favorite wolf. Thor and Chipper were favorites this weekend. Which one is your favorite?

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